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MNA Board Meeting (September 2023)

I. Meeting called to order

II. Adoption of agenda

III. Reading and/or approval of the minutes

IV. Report of Board Directors and Officers
A. Chair - Jacob Loeb
B. Vice Chair -
C. Treasurer - Sarah Hartzel
D. Secretary -
E. Land Use & Transportation - Scott Simpson
F. Communication - Matt Moore
G. Public Safety -
H. SEUL Liaison - Sarah Hartzel
I. Parks - Louise Hoff

V. Unfinished Business

A. NE Glisan Safety Event

VI. New Business

A. Elections planning
B. Community Safety Meeting Sep 20th

VII. Announcements
Call for for people to state interest in MNA membership (Needed for voting with no other obligations)

VIII. Adjourn

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 873 8630 8999
Passcode: 276440

One tap mobile
+12532050468,,87386308999#,,,,*276440# US

Meeting ID: 873 8630 8999
Passcode: 276440

Earlier Event: August 23
Montavilla Meetup
Later Event: September 15
NE Glisan Safety Event